New three board listing

New three board listing


Jinzhong's new third board business team has professional quality and rich experience, and many enterprises have provided comprehensive, high quality and efficient legal services.

Jinzhong's services in this field mainly include:

Assist enterprises in designing their restructuring plans;

To review and confirm the legitimacy of its restructuring plan;

To assist enterprises in drafting sponsor agreements for the establishment of joint stock enterprises;

To assist enterprises in drafting draft articles of association and related supporting documents;

Attend the founding meeting of joint-stock enterprises and give witness opinions.

Conduct legal due diligence on the main company and issue legal opinions;

To assist in drafting lease agreements on land use rights;

Examination of intangible assets such as registered trademarks of joint stock enterprises;

To assist in drafting agreements on the exclusive rights and use rights of intangible property;

Assist in drafting a comprehensive service agreement for production and operation between joint-stock enterprises and affiliated enterprises.

Address:No. 8 Hengyitiao, Fengtai District, Beijing
 Work Time
Mon to Fri :8:30-17:30
Sat to Sun :9:00-17:00
 Contact Details